Developing a User-Controlled Robot

Caitlin Kim
2 min readAug 9, 2021


One of the biggest parts of robotics is user-controlled robotics (check out my article, “Viva La Robotics Revolution,” to learn the basics of robotics), so I wanted to create a project that focuses on that user-controlled aspect.

About the Project

This project utilizes pieces and tools from a robotics brand called Vex, specifically their Vex IQ subdivision that focuses on simple robotics for beginners. I built and programmed a robot that could be controlled with a remote (although you could use that same robot to execute other programs).

This is the video for this project

Building & Coding

I built the robot using various beams, connector pieces called rivets, sprockets and chain, etc. Then, I found some instructions for a basic 2-motor, 4-wheel drive and copied them. Overall, it was a straightforward process.

As for the coding, I also found code online. However, instead of copying and pasting, I wanted to copy it by writing it myself to understand it better.


The overall driving experience was effortless yet enjoyable. I coded a tank drive, a drive where each joystick on the remote translates to one side of the robot (instead of an arcade drive where one side is forward and backward and the other is turning). The robot was a bit slower than I first anticipated, and it took a while to get the hang of driving, but when I did, it was fun, kind of like driving an RC car.


this was a fun project, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone just starting with robotics. :)

Thanks for taking the time to read my article. I hope you enjoyed it!

I am a 15 year old in high school with a passion for robotics. In the future, I hope to write more about my adventures learning about this emerging technology.

Make sure to reach out to me with any comment, questions, or concerns at

You can also find me on LinkedIn and Instagram.

Have a great day! :)



Caitlin Kim

A junior in high school. Student of the sciences. Student of the world. Student of life. Fueled by passion and curiosity.